Saturday, February 7, 2009

the good and the bad

How should i start this?
I am surprise this clock got picked
it got me a B- for df2 but
this clock was magically labeled as 1 of the good ones
how logic...
TBH, I find it great knowing that I am doing well
but with those feedback i got
its really underwhelming...
most of them were like bla~ bla bla bla
right on their faces
its really disappointing...

I am mad at myself not othe


kwy@KeVin said...

Oh.. your clock nice ar.. Wat happen.. Wat feedback you got? XD

NOT zhi han said...
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Jiayi said...

ehey, it's kinda cool.
:) gambate.
markers tend to have different taste/opinion from us.. don't you think so? haih. sooo sad.
