Friday, October 17, 2008

pretend not to see me?! XD

I always look forward to meet some familiar faces in mmu
but it isn't as fun (should it be???) as i expected when it happens
all i got was just w.t.f expressions and AWKWARD responses
HEY! hey...
WEI! huh? ei?!
HI! oh.. hi!
HUH? h . u . h...?
HOI! OI! 张志涵哦!

maybe thats the best way to prevent further embarrassment...
yea, probably~
oh lord,
improve my social skills! :P


Genieve said...

LOL. its funny.

they are still self-conflicting..

Jiayi said...

familiar face doesn't mean you are close with them.
therefore, awkwardness is somehow inevitable i reckon =D
plus, there's nothing wrong with your social skills so long as you don't have socialphobia. *wink*

p/s: lesson for the day, 一種米養百種人 >"< i will never be 'water fish' anymore. *hmph*
